See current news here.
- Daphne Collias, Scott Collins, and Justin Vento join the group as graduate students. Welcome!
- Michelle and Ahmed depart from the Beisel lab as they begin the next phase of their careers. It’s been wonderful having you both in the lab and thanks for the great science along the way! Best of luck on your future careers!
- Ryan’s review article on the CRISPR PAM is accepted by the Journal of Molecular Biology. Congrats, Ryan and Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
- A productive American Institute of Chemical Engineers annual meeting! Ahmed and Michelle give talks, Chase hosts a topical conference on industrial biotechnology, and Malay presents a poster. Congrats to Malay for winning first place in the Food, Pharmaceutical, and Biotechnology division!
- Michelle successfully defends her PhD dissertation. Congratulations Dr. Luo!
- Fani Ttofali joins the lab as our new lab manager. Welcome, Fani!
- Chase and Colin begin a collaborative project with Dr. Vincent Noireaux (U Minnesota), Dr. Elisa Franco (UC-Riverside), Dr. Mary Dunlop (U Vermont), and Dr. Julius Lucks (Northwestern). The project is funded through the DARPA Biocontrol program.
- Laura Cueto Burdiel joins the lab as a visiting graduate student from Dr. Miguel Vicente’s lab at the National Center of Biotechnology (CSIC) in Madrid, Spain. Laura will be in the lab for three months learning advanced genetic-engineering techniques in E. coli and contributing to ongoing projects in the group. Welcome Laura!
- Chase participated in a webinar hosted by Becton Dickinson and gave an invited research seminar in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at Utah State University. Thanks to Prof. Ryan Jackson for the invitation and for hosting!
- Michelle and Chase publish a primer on CRISPR technologies as part of the September 2016 issue of Chemical Engineering Progress, the magazine for the American Institute of Chemical Engineers. The primer provides a general overview of CRISPR-Cas systems, how they have been harnessed as revolutionary tools, and the various ethical quandaries that have come up.
- Chase receives a Maximizing Investigator’s Research Award (MIRA) for Early Stage Investigators from NIGMS. The award is part of a pilot program seeking to fund investigators rather than individual projects.
- Dr. Atul Singh and Dr. Colin Maxwell join the lab. Dr. Singh joins us after completing a postdoctoral fellowship in Dr. Robert Husson’s lab at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Maxwell joins us after receiving his PhD from Dr. Paul Magwene’s lab at Duke University. Welcome Atul and Colin!
Summer 2016
- Chase and Ryan spending three weeks visiting Dr. Francois Leulier’s lab at the Institute of Functional Genomics of Lyon. Chase and Michelle serve as instructors for the 2016 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory synthetic biology summer course. They were joined by Vincent Noireaux and Michael Smanski from the University of Minnesota, Mary Dunlop from the University of Vermont, Harris Wang from Columbia University, and Mo Khalil from Boston University.
- Work from the Beisel lab is featured in part on the NCSU News webpage in response to the recent report on a clinical bacterial isolate that is resistant to a last-resort antibiotic.
- Ahmed successfully passes his Ph.D. defense. Congratulations Dr. Gomaa!
- Dr. Chunyu Liao and Dr. Jennie Fagen join the lab. Dr. Liao joins us following completion of her PhD in microbiology from Dr. Laura Jarboe’s lab at Iowa State University. Dr. Fagen joins us after completing a research associate position at Oglesby Plants International in Florida. Welcome Chunyu and Jennie!
- The collaborative paper with Blake Wiedenheft’s group and Brian Bothner’s group at Montana State University is accepted for publication in Nucleic Acids Research. The paper reports how the Type I-E Cascade complex in E. coli is affected by extending the length of the CRISPR RNA. Congrats to Michelle (lead author) and everyone else involved on the project!
- Chase receives an Emerging Leader Award from the Bay Area Lyme Foundation. The award will allow the Beisel lab to investigate the potential of CRISPR antimicrobials against the causative agent of Lyme disease.
- Chase receives the Young Faculty Research Award from the NCSU chapter of the Sigma Xi scientific research society.
- Ahmed and Michelle present posters as part of the NCSU graduate research symposium. As part of the symposium, Ahmed won first place in the Engineering division! Great job both of you representing the Beisel lab!
- Ryan’s paper is accepted for publication at Molecular Cell! The paper describes a new high-throughput screen to determine PAMs (PAM-SCANR) and a new visualization scheme (PAM wheel). Congratulations to everyone from the Beisel lab and the Barrangou lab involved in this publication!
- Ahmed’s presentation and Michelle’s poster are both awarded first place at the 2016 Schoenborn Graduate Symposium. The talks are given by the top graduating students in the department, while most students in the department present a poster. Congrats Ahmed and Michelle!!!
- The Beisel lab is award an STTR grant in collaboration with the Arkansas-based start-up company Boston Mountain Biotech. The collaborative project will apply CRISPR-mediated silencing to the optimization of protein production strains.
- Chase and Taliman’s commentary on the recent J Bacteriology paper out of Chris Rao’s lab at UIUC is published online. The commentary describes the Rao’s lab’s elegant work revealing how E. coli responds to the combination of the sugars xylose and arabinose.
- The Beisel lab receives a Phase I grant from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to develop a generalized antimicrobial platform based on engineered bacteriophages.
- Chase is selected as one of 22 NCSU University Faculty scholars. Congratulations to the other recipients, including Fanxing Li in CBE, Gavin Williams in Chemistry, and Rodolphe Barrangou in Food Science!
- Michelle, Ryan, and Tom present posters as part of the Molecular Biotechnology Training Program annual symposium. Michelle wins first place in the poster competition and is the proud owner of bluetooth speakers, an external hard drive, and lots of mini-chocolate bars. Congrats Michelle!
- Michelle and Ryans’s invited review article on CRISPR-based tools in bacteria is accepted for publication at Biotechnology & Bioengineering journal. Congrats to both on putting together a timely and comprehensive review!
- Ryan successfully passes his candidacy exam. Congratulations Ryan!
- Taliman’s final paper on the impact of residual inducer on inducible systems was accepted for publication in PLoS One. Congrats to Taliman and Michelle (co-author) for this work!
- Tom Jacobsen receives a research fellowship through the GAANN Molecular Biotechnology program. Congratulations Tom!
- The collaborative paper with Zhen Gu’s group was accepted for publication in Angewandte Chemie. The paper presents a novel nanoparticle for delivering a CRISPR-Cas9 ribonucleoprotein complex to mammalian cells. Congrats to Jordan and the members of the Gu lab who participated in this work!
Summer 2015
- Chase is spending a month visiting Dr. Francois Leulier’s lab at the Institute of Functional Genomics of Lyon, Ryan is interning at Caribou Biosciences, and Michelle is interning at Ventana Medical Systems.
- Chase was interviewed by a producer at E. W. Scripps for an article on genetic engineering in light of the upcoming release of Jurassic World. The final story can be found here, which includes quotes from fellow NCSU faculty member and collaborator Jennfier Kuzma.
- Dr. Ken Maksimchuk joins the lab as a postdoctoral fellow. Ken joins us from Dr. Dewey McCafferty’s lab at Duke University. Welcome Ken!
- Chase was interviewed by BD Accuri News on his use of the Accuri C6 flow cytometer in the lab. A link to the interview can be found here.
- Ahmed gives an invited poster presentation at the Council for Chemical Research annual meeting on his work on CRISPR antimicrobials.
- An action-packed day for the Beisel lab! Chase presented at the Genetic Engineering and Society symposium and as part of the ‘Pints of Science’ event at a local Irish pub. Ahmed presented at the symposium’s poster session and earned 2nd place–congratulations, Ahmed!
- Chase was interviewed by the student-organized TV segment ‘Carolina Week’ talking about advances in genome editing. The edited interview can be found here.
- Michelle gave a selected talk at the genome editing conference hosted by the New York Academy of Sciences. Her work was mentioned as part of coverage by the International Business Times. Nice job, Michelle!
- A big day at the Schoenborn symposium! Taliman gave an oral presentation of her thesis work, and Michelle and Ryan presented posters. As part of the symposium, Michelle was awarded the 2015 Vivian T. Stannett Graduate Award and Ryan and Michelle earned 2nd and 3rd place, respectively, in the poster competition. Nice job everyone and congrats on the awards!
- Chase receives a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation. This award will allow the lab to explore how to engineer endogenous defense systems as genetic tools in microbial communities and to expand an ongoing partnership with Score One Up and community centers in Southeast Raleigh.
- Thomas Jacobsen and Matthew Waller join the group as a graduate research assistants. Welcome, Tom and Matt!
- Taliman successfully defends her thesis. Congratulations, Dr. Afroz and good luck in the next phase of your life!!!
- Our research highlight on two recent Nature Biotechnology papers is published in Genome Biology. We highlight the excellent work from Tim Lu’s lab and from Luciano Marraffini’s lab employing bacteriophages to deliver CRISPR-based antimicrobials.
- Ahmed wins third place in the poster competition at the annual Molecular Biotechnology Symposium. Congratulations, Ahmed!
- Michelle successfully passes her candidacy exam. Congratulations Michelle!
- Michelle’s paper on gene regulation with Type I CRISPR-Cas systems was accepted for publication in Nucleic Acids Research. Congratulations to Michelle and all others who contributed!
- The collaborative paper with Dr. Barrangou and Caribou Biosciences was accepted for publication in Molecular Cell. Congratulations Ahmed (one of the three first authors) and all others who contributed! See our proposed labeling scheme for sgRNAs below!
- Dr. Chris Rao at UIUC wrote an insightful MicroCommentary about Taliman’s article in Mol Microbiol–an excellent perspective on our findings!
- Ryan Leenay receives a research fellowship through the NIH Molecular Biotechnology Training Program. Congratulations Ryan!
- Taliman’s paper on single-cell behaviors of bacterial sugar utilization pathways was accepted for publication at Molecular Microbiology. Congratulations Taliman and all others who contributed!
- Taliman’s paper on co-opting sugar utilization pathways as titratable expression systems was accepted for publication in ACS Synthetic Biology. Congratulations Taliman and all others who contributed!
- Ahmed’s paper on selective bacterial killing with CRISPR was accepted for publication in mBio. Congratulations Ahmed and all others who contributed!
- Ryan Leenay joins the group as a graduate research assistant. Welcome, Ryan!
- Taliman successfully passes her candidacy exam. Congratulations Taliman!
- Ahmed successfully passes his candidacy exam. Congratulations Ahmed!
- Final version of Taliman’s review article on biological feedback is published online in Chemical Engineering Science. Congratulations Taliman!